Learn the Horses’ Way –
Communications and Team Forming Workshop
Almost every day we all come
up against situations we’ve never dealt with before. Whether at
work or in our private lives, we need to use the experiences
we’ve gained in life and pick those that help us most in that
specific situation.
At the equine workshop, you’ll be “thrown” into an unfamiliar
situation and carry out assignments together with a team. In
order to complete these assignments, you’ll need to use verbal
communication, make a plan and execute it, be flexibile where
necessary, use what you have learned from experience so far and
then aquire new experiences - with the horses in the background
all of the time. This is both satisfying and enjoyable.
We used to thinking that working with horses required certain
skills and professionalism, but you’ll be carrying out your
first Workshop assignments on the ground, for which you don’t
need any prior knowledge or experience.
As you’ll see at the Workshop, horses, being social animals each
with his own personality and moods, are very like people. Horses
need a herd and its attendant hierarchy in order to function.
But, unlike people, they have no preconceived notions or
prejudices and are entirely non-judgmental; in other words, they
take us as they find us. Horses are uncannily sensitive to their
surroundings and can “see” beyond the mask. Sometimes, they’re
happy to cooperate, but other times they turn their backs and we
have to find a way to turn them around and “make them one of the
guys” again and put them to their task. Just a word here that
the Workshop does not drive or burden the horses in any way; far
from it they actually enjoy this interaction with people.
What you can
get out of working with horses:
Improve your
self-confidence and self-awareness
Improve your communication skills
Develop your self-discipline
Develop your skills in dealing with challenges
Develop problem solving skills
Assertiveness training
Develop reliability and respect for others
Tremendous enjoyment
The Workshop starts with
breakfast and continues with a number of activities including
assignments to be carried out by the team together with the
horses. The type of activities and assignments depends on the
type and size of the group and the main purpose to be emphasized
as discussed with the clients ahead of time. The day ends with a
special celebratory meal.
Workshops are held at Moshav Mishmeret in the heart of the
Sharon area, between olive orchards and horse paddocks.
The Workshops are intended for 5 to 15 people, beginning in the
morning and ending in the late afternoon.
For additional details and more information, please contact us:
Amit Amodaei
Tel: 054-2034130